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Shockwave Therapy
Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy
Sports injury Acupuncture
Kinesiology Taping
Dry Cupping Therapy

Sports and Remedial Massage
Sports massage can be considered a deep tissue massage which is suitable for anyone regardless if they take part in sport or not. 'Deep tissue' means the therapist can reach the deeper layers of muscle effectively and safely, through the use of specific techniques. Techniques aim to break down adhered muscle fibres and connective tissue (or fascia), improve blood flow, help to remove toxins and aid in the healing process.
Incorrect posture is often the main reason for stiff muscles and restricted movement, but in order to improve posture we need to find out what is causing it in the first place. It is not enough to say “sit up straight”. You may have tense shoulders and neck from sitting hunched over a computer at work, or surfing the net whilst lounging on the sofa at home (we all do it at some point!).
Sports Injury Acupuncture
The body's response to an acute injury causes tightening of muscles, swelling, stiffness and pain. Acupuncture relieves these symptoms and promotes recovery and healing. It helps the body to balance, restore and maintain its levels of qi (energy) and to combat any weaknesses, whilst accelerating recovery time. By strengthening the body from the inside out, you can maximize your potential. For acute injuries, acupuncture frees up these blockages and releases the tight muscles and trigger points so the body’s energy can flow freely.
Over time, chronic injuries that are ignored or mistreated begin to break down the body's energy levels and can alter movement patterns leading to overloading of the musculoskeletal system resulting in pain. As the body’s internal recovery system is weakened, it exposes the entire body to potential injury. Acupuncture enables the body to heal and build qi (energy) levels, allowing the natural healing systems of the body to maximize recovery.
Trigger points are tight bands or knots in a muscle that cause a person to feel referred pain in other areas of the body.Picture a rubber band, a normal rubber band can stretch and return to its normal length without much effort, but if you tie a knot in the middle, it shortens and can no longer function properly. This is similar to what happens with muscles, if a trigger point causes a muscle to shorten then it looses, not just its function but also strength, range of motion and flexibility. By inserting a very thin needle into a muscle fibre that is knotted you send a signal to the body to release the knot and restore function to the muscle.

Kinesiology Taping
Any type of injury or trauma to the body sets off a natural protective mechanism known as the inflammatory response (pain, swelling, heat and redness) as well as restriction to the range of motion.
Kinesiology Taping is a system that naturally assists in the healing of damaged tissue by encouraging lymphatic drainage, and provides support to the joints and muscles without causing restriction to the range of motion, by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting effect helps increase the space between the injured muscle and skin, thus allowing a decrease in the inflammatory process and accelerating recovery and repair. This enables patients and athletes to continue training or competing while they recover from their pain or injury. It can be used effectively in any sports or non-sports related setting.
Although Kinesiology taping can be used as a stand-alone treatment, it is normally combined with other physical therapies, such as soft tissue treatments, myofascial techniques and joint mobilisations.

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